Garlic: Our Frustrating Old Friend

By Craig Deppe
As ubiquitous as onions in savory foods, garlic is much loved for its flavor but perhaps not as much for its ease of preparation. This pungent relative of the lily comes wrapped in messy “parchment” that has to be removed from the head only to reveal another layer tightly clinging to each clove. Once this inner layer is pried from the prize there still remains the task of preparing it so that it lends its wonderful qualities most effectively.
No cook has ever found a way to completely remove the frustration of preparing enough of this daily culinary necessity but here are some tips and tricks I’ve run across over the years.
Craig Deppe developed his skill and passion for all things culinary at an early age, under the guidance of his French mother. After college, he spent 15 years traveling the world as a professional sailor, sampling myriad cuisines and replicating them in many a ship’s galley. The birth of his son led Craig to forgo a seagoing career to pursue his interest in cooking and writing. He now organizes and caters culinary events in San Francisco and works as a chef’s assistant at Sur la Table.
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