How to Cut a Mango

By Sandy Hu
A new video for Video Friday
During the summer months, driving home after a weekend in Kona visiting relatives, we would pass roadside stands selling mangos. Mom would always make dad stop – she adored mangos – and soon our car would be filled with their heady, tropical fragrance.
In those days, very few Americans had tasted mangos outside of those of us living in tropical climates. But today, not only are they readily available in mainstream supermarkets, you’ll find them at smoothie shops and on restaurant menus, from casual to upscale.
How to buy: To gauge ripeness, gently squeeze the mango. It should give a little. Smell the stem end for sweetness. Don’t judge ripeness by color; some mangos are inherently green.
How to ripen: Store mangos at room temperature in a paper bag. Add a banana to speed up the ripening process. Once mangos are ripe, refrigerate.
How to cut: Mangos have a flat seed that goes almost the length of the fruit. It defies pitting so you have to slice around the seed to get the fruit. Holding the mango upright, slice off the two flat sides of the mango (the cheeks). Score the cut cheeks with a paring knife, cutting down to the skin but not through it. Turn the mango inside out, arching the skin side, enabling the cubes of fruit to open up and fan out. Using a paring knife or your fingers, dislodge the diced fruit from the skin.
What to do with mangos: Mangos are delicious eaten as is. You can also add them to fruit salads, blend into a smoothie, or make a salsa by tossing mango cubes with a little lime juice, chopped cilantro, minced jalapeno and a pinch of salt.
Or try these Special Fork recipes:
- Mango with Coconut Sticky Rice from Andrew
- Confetti Mango Coleslaw from Lori
- Salsa with a Touch of Fruit also from Lori
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