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Entries in caramel sauce (3)


Caramel Sauce – it’s Easy!

By Sandy Hu

There’s nothing like a bowl of frosty ice cream to cool down on a warm day and nothing more decadent than adding a drizzle of warm caramel sauce on top.

Caramel sauce is surprisingly easy to make and much more delicious than store bought. Try Katie’s recipe from her blog post early this year. I’ll walk you through the steps in today’s Video Friday demo.

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Dulce de Leche Sundaes

By Marilyn Hunter

I’ll never forget my first taste of dulce de leche. I was about eight years old on a family vacation in San Antonio. As we walked through a mercado near the River Walk, my dad popped a cajeta candy into my mouth and said, “Here. Try this.” It tasted a lot like my favorite candy at the time, a caramel lollipop called Sugar Daddy, but with an even deeper flavor. Nevertheless, I immediately knew I loved all things caramel.

Dulce de leche is a sweet caramel that can be made with sweetened condensed milk that’s been boiled into a custard. It’s is the easiest dessert in the world to make and one of the most decadent.

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Goats On Boats

By Katie Barreira

The 80 some-odd members of Catapano Farm’s dairy herd in Peconic Long Island, are some darn lucky goats. According to co-owner Dr. Michael Catapano (formally an M.D., but also a doctor of cheese), raising happy, stress-free goats is the key to great-tasting milk. And if the quality of Catapano’s handmade cheese is any indication, these are some seriously contented goats.

This theory was confirmed within moments of meeting the merry ruminants. Trotting over to greet each guest with a friendly head butt, these goats were more interested in a good nuzzle than a handout. And their spacious pen more resembled an inspired playground meant for children, rather than kids.

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