Crazy Love

Ben and Nick have a crazy love for peanut brittle. It must come from me because affection for salty peanuts cooked in hard-crack sugar is a southern tradition. I grew up eating all sorts of combinations of toasty nuts encased in simple sugar concoctions. Peanut brittle and pecan pralines topped the list, especially on family excursions to my great Aunt Lucille’s kitchen in Louisiana.
Brittles are best when there’s just enough sugar to hold the nuts together. The basic recipe is simple, but you can get really adventurous with international and exotic flavors. Andrew and I have introduced ginger, lemongrass, kaffir lime, and even spicy chili powders to our boys. Our theory is, if we introduce challenging flavors in something they can’t resist like sugar, they’ll be more inclined to eat the same in savory sauces, stir-frys and curries.