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Entries in Mexican soup (2)


Taking Leftover Turkey South of the Border

By Katie Barreira

It can be hard to gobble up all of those Thanksgiving leftovers. Well in Spanish, turkeys say gluglú gluglú and if you’re still picking your way through a holiday bird and just can’t bear the thought of another turkey sandwich, here’s a Mexican-inspired recipe that will have you gluglú-ing every last bite.

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Make a Mexican Meatball Soup

By Joy Liao

There is something comforting about cozying up on the couch with a bowl of soup after a long day. Interestingly, the word, ‘restaurant,’ (derived from the French word restaurer meaning “to restore”) was first used in France during the 16th century to describe a highly concentrated soup sold by street vendors and advertised as an antidote to physical exhaustion.

A few years ago while living in Los Angeles, I discovered the joys of Mexican soups and stews. A couple of notable favorites include Birria and Caldo de Res, but by far my favorite Mexican soup is Albóndigas, which literally translates to "meatball" in Spanish. Luckily, I was able to jot down a family recipe from a friend, whose mother makes an amazing version.

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