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Entries in salads (3)


Too Hot to Cook!

By Sandy Hu

In San Francisco, summers are usually cool, so rarely is it too hot to cook. But elsewhere, temperatures are rising and no one wants to be chained to a stove.

My favorite no-cook summer meal is a salumi platter – hot copa, prosciutto, mortadella or other cured meats, plus some thinly sliced ham, all arranged on a wooden board or platter with one or two cheeses, some peperonicini or cornichons, roasted red peppers, sliced cucumber and a baguette or two with a good Dijon mustard. While it’s a delicious, no-fuss appetizer for company, a salumi platter can also make a welcome light supper on its own.

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A Slice of Summer

By Andrew Hunter

Fruit’s a big deal in our house. Ben and Nick can eat an astounding amount of strawberries, grapes, mangoes, apples and oranges. But they know that none of it compares to eating a “gynormous” wedge of watermelon on a hot summer afternoon.

The boys have pretty simple expectations … it should be cold, juicy and refreshing. While watermelon is indeed perfect to quench their thirst with its sweet juice, it also has a more complex culinary side. Watermelon is perfect foil for sweet herbs, citrus and even salty cheese. So cut your kids and their friends a wedge as big as their heads and save the rest for a delicious summer salad for your more refined palates.

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Think Delicious, Nutritious Summer Salads

By Sandy Hu

With warmer days ahead, it’s time to start thinking salads. Here’s one that’s simply delicious, a perfect melding of sweet, tart and peppery flavors. It’s also highly nutritious, too, with some of nature’s most healthful ingredients: watercress, strawberries and California almonds. And, as an added bonus, this salad takes just 10 minutes to prepare.

If you don’t have a whisk for the Honey-Balsamic Dressing, just combine the dressing ingredients in a screw-top jar and shake it. It won’t incorporate as well as a whisk but the dressing will be just fine for the salad.

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