Enjoy the Moment

My great aunt Lucile used to say, “When life gets you down, go do something silly.” Everyone’s always saying how important it is to “live in the moment.” I’ve heard this time and time again.
As a mom, it’s easy to get bogged down with the details – being punctual, organized and prepared. I used to try so hard to anticipate my boys’ every need – hunger, thirst, boredom. I would plan ahead packing countless items I never even needed.
After years of unnecessary worry, I’ve learned how to relax and take a break from cooking every now and then. This gives me the balance I need to be the best mom I can be by feeling that wonderful connection with my boys.
Instead of feeling I have to prepare and pack a picnic lunch every time we go to the park or the beach, I now relax and just enjoy the family.
So if you’re planning an outing where you know there’s food available, explore the local markets and restaurants. Relax and enjoy your family. Know when to tell yourself, “The most important moment is now.”
It’s summertime. Get out and take advantage of those longer days and beautiful sunsets. Forget about the cooking occasionally and enjoy the foods that surround you. These are the moments you’ll remember all your life.
Special Fork bloggers blog Monday through Friday. For more recipes and ideas on your smartphone, check us out at www.specialfork.com. Join the conversation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @specialforksndy.
Reader Comments (1)
Your great aunt Lucile knew one of life's secrets. Your blog will be wonderful to see.