A Barbarian Feast

Last Saturday, armed with yellow rain ponchos (which doubled conveniently as full body drop cloths) my sweetie and I attempted to sample a Taste of Danbury at the town’s annual food festival. Unfortunately, tornados were the only thing taking a bite out of Connecticut that day and the foodies were sent packing. But one booth braved the storm- The Barbarian Grill would not go quietly into the night and we were there to reap the spoils.
While regaling us with tales of his Mongolian war sword, Hungarian chef Steve Lang doused a full rack of his meltingly tender rotisserie smoked pork ribs with Louisiana hot sauce before wrapping them in a foil to-go pouch, which we tore into as soon as we reached the shelter of our vehicle. It was a delightfully uncivilized meal. Good thing my man’s the type who keeps wet naps stashed in the glove compartment.