Fruit Fools

By Lori Powell
For One or Two Bites, a blog for singles and couples
Fruit, in all of their glorious colors and flavors, are showing up in the market right now, including the first of the season’s strawberries and blueberries.
One of the easiest and quickest desserts that I know of is a fool, an English dessert that is usually made by pureeing fruit and folding it into freshly whipped cream. A fool is simple and quick enough to make for one, or if company is coming, it can be made at the last minute with just three ingredients on hand.
I happened to have an overripe mango, which is perfect for pureeing, so I was inspired to make the recipe below. Instead of the whipped cream I decided to healthy it up and use Greek yogurt which will give you a rich, thick mouthfeel as cream would have, plus the added nutritional benefits of yogurt.