Dubliner Breakfast Toast

By Andrew Hunter
For The Family Table, a blog for busy families
One of my favorite food memories as a kid was making cheese toast with my brother. We would toast regular white bread, layer on thick slices of yellow cheese, then add “too much pepper and garlic salt, ” which was just enough by our standards, and then broil them in the oven until mouth-burning hot. I’m sure the cheese dripped down onto the floor of the oven making a mess for mom to worry about.
But alas, our tastes have grown up and we now have our own ovens to clean. So I have refined this childhood favorite in the spirit of St. Patrick. Instead of white sandwich bread, I slice artisan sourdough, and instead of sliced yellow Cheddar I grate Dubliner cheese and sprinkle with minced fresh garlic. The sharp, nutty flavor of the Dubliner takes this dish to a whole new level. Dubliner Breakfast toast is quickly becoming one of Ben and Nick’s childhood favorites too!