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Entries in tri-tip (2)


Tricky Nicky

By Andrew Hunter

Sometimes Marilyn and I sit at the dinner table and watch in amazement as our two boys eat. Or rather while Benny eats and Nicky twists, turns and falls off his chair; pulls a Lego airplane from his pocket to crash into his otherwise untouched green beans; and pokes his brother in the ribs before proclaiming he’s "all full". Without skipping a beat, Benny reaches over and steals Nicky’s potatoes. How can two children come from the same place and be so different?

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Summer Nights

By Andrew Hunter

Firing up the grill is a thrill for Ben and Nick. They help kindle the coals and blow on the embers until they’re jelly red, then ashy white. Boys are genetically engineered, even at a young age, to be drawn to the smoky heat and sear of well-seasoned meat.

The indoor-outdoor meals of summer are a real joy at the Hunter house. It’s partly because they’re delicious, partly because they’re easy, and partly because the sun has mellowed just enough for a cool night on the patio. But most importantly, because preparing dinner is a family affair.

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