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Entries in kiwi (2)


Kiwi – a Nutritional Powerhouse

By Lori Powell
For One or Two Bites, a blog for singles and couples

Kiwifruit’s bright green flesh is loaded with vitamin C, even more than oranges. It’s not a bad idea to load up on them during flu and cold season.

Kiwi are also a good source of potassium, magnesium and copper. And they contain more lutein (preserves eyesight) than any other vegetable or fruit except corn.

Pick fruit that is semi-firm to the touch and unblemished. When ripe, the fruit is sweet and tangy.

I usually peel and chop kiwi to make a simple winter fruit salad with pineapple, pistachios and toasted coconut.

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Sweets in One or Two Bites

By Lori Powell

During the week, I mostly focus on the savory foods such as what to have for the day’s three meals: breakfast lunch and dinner. I am lucky enough not to have a severe sweet tooth but do on occasion crave a sweet bite of something which is usually satisfied by fruit or a bite of chocolate.

I love to bake but living alone, that can be a dangerous thing to have baked goods sitting around, like leftover chocolate cake, cookies, pies or tarts. If I had any of that hanging around, I might develop a sweet hankering.

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