Birthday Bouquet of Greens

By Lori Powell
Another B’day is right around the corner and an early gift has arrived on my doorstep. A bouquet of greens!
They’re especially great when fresh-picked at a farm stand or from your neighbor’s garden, but to present them this way as a gorgeous bouquet of healthy greens to celebrate my birthday is just perfection. So lovely that I could have put them in a vase and placed them on my table.
So gorgeous…how could I even think of cooking them? Well at least for a day or two.
I quickly came to my senses as I can’t get enough of kale – raw, cooked or in a smoothie. It was love at first bite.
Below is one of my favorite ways to serve them…oh and they are amazingly good for you. Go figure. So below, my happy b’day kale recipe.