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Entries in David Hu (27)


How to Roast Cauliflower

By David Hu
A new video for Video Friday

As the weather gets colder, think roasted vegetables. They’re easy to make and give you that warm, wintery feeling. For today's video demo, we're making Spice Roasted Cauliflower, a recipe from Lori Powell, our cooking for one or two blogger.

For this recipe, I like to mix cauliflower colors. Yellow and purple cauliflower are no longer such a novelty; I can find them in my everyday supermarket. The colored heads are great, not only from a presentation standpoint, but for added health benefits.

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An Easy Appetizer that’s a Pleaser

By David Hu
A new video for Video Friday

This is the time of year when it’s good to have some simple appetizer recipes at the ready. Cooler weather and shorter days inspire us to more home entertaining, and from Thanksgiving to the New Year, most of us will host at least one get-together to celebrate the holidays.

Here’s a simple appetizer with a winning flavor combination of sweet, salty and (bacon) fat. You can prep these little nuggets earlier in the day, refrigerate, and broil when the first guests arrive.

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Kale Chips

By David Hu
A new video for Video Friday

I admit I don’t like dark, leafy green veggies. So when I learned from Katie Barreira, former Special Fork cooking newbie blogger, about kale chips, I was sold! What wouldn’t taste good turned into a chip? Great taste, good nutrition and easy to boot. It’s a win-win.

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Try a Chocolate Sandwich

By David Hu
A new video for Video Friday

I love pain au chocolat, similar to a croissant, but shaped in a puffy rectangle, wrapped around a core of dark chocolate. Since making French pastry is beyond my ability, I make the next best easy thing: Chocolate Panini.

This is a very simple recipe. You just sandwich baking chocolate between baguette slices, butter the outsides and cook on stovetop until the chocolate melts. The result is a buttery, melted chocolate concoction you will love.

The only tricky part in cooking is that, when you press down on the sandwich with a spatula, the bread tends to stick to the spatula, unsettling your sandwich, so a little patience is required. It is super-easy if can grill using a panini press, as in this demo.

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Try this Hot and Hearty Sandwich for Dinner

Enter to win a collection of food items from France, selected by Sandy, along with Around my French Table cookbook by Dorie Greenspan. To enter the sweepstakes, go to Follow Sandy in France on Twitter to keep updated on new goodies for the prize package.

By David Hu
A new video for Video Friday

Much as I try to cook dinner most weekday evenings, sometimes I’m too tired or there’s not quite enough time. In these instances, sandwiches tend to be one of my go-to meals: quick and usually made with pantry-stocked ingredients.

I try to make a hot sandwich because it seems a little more dinner-like and more satisfying. Today’s video recipe is a take on the classic French Croque Monsieur. Some Croque Monsieurs require broilers but this one’s made easily on stovetop. From start to finish you’ll be eating in under 10 minutes. It goes great with a green salad.

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