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Entries in kogi (2)


Keep on Truckin’

By Andrew Hunter

Food trucks are all the rage in cities across the country. In Los Angeles, there’s a food truck gridlock with offerings ranging from grilled cheese to cupcakes. But the one who started the craze – with a compelling taco, savvy use of social media and a dedication to serving healthy and delicious food to all people regardless of circumstance – is my friend Chef Roy Choi of Kogi BBQ fame.

I first met Roy at a holiday event at our kids’ school. I was in my chef whites looking for Ben and Nick in a sea of kids when I heard a little voice say, “chef, chef, daddy a chef.” I looked down to see a sweet little girl smiling up at me, and the telltale sign of a working chef … Roy’s black clogs splattered with sauce. The Kogi Taco Truck phenomenon hit many months later and quickly developed a cult following on Twitter.

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A Simple Korean-inspired Stir-fry

By David Hu

Korean food is getting to be all the rage, with food trucks like Kogi in Los Angeles. Today’s video recipe is a simple, one-pot Korean-inspired dish: Korean Sti-Fry Chicken.

When cooking the chicken, be sure your pan and oil are hot. Don’t crowd the pad or the chicken will steam instead of fry -- cook in two batches if your pan isn’t large enough. And let the chicken sear on one side before tossing, to keep chicken from sticking to the pan.

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