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Entries in baking (2)


Remembering Nana

By Lori Powell

My Nana…I wish I could say that I got my love of baking while sitting in the kitchen at the side of my Nana. But in fact, the opposite is true.

You see, she used to bake a long time ago but that was before she had a fire in the oven. So, as the story goes, that was the end of her baking career and my chance of ever making a cake or brownie alongside her.

However, my Nana was a marvel cooking on top of the range. I like to think that at least that part rubbed off on me.

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Fresh Nectarine Galettes

By Allison Kociuruba

Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, we have quite a few houseguests. And by quite a few, I actually mean a LOT. It’s the blessing (and curse) of living in a popular travel destination.

Truthfully, I love it. We live far away from family and most friends so I relish in entertaining familiar faces and sharing the hidden gems of the Northern California coast.

Because we often eat out with guests, I don’t get to cook as much as I’d like, so I try to surprise everyone with baked treats when they wake up. I’ve done the yeast-risen cinnamon bun thing but setting the alarm to wake up over an hour before everyone else was not much fun, so my latest trick is these fresh fruit galettes.

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