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Entries in puff pastry (3)


Spooky Halloween Treats

By Sandy Hu

Congrats to Madeline O. from Colorado Springs CO who won our Zojirushi sweepstakes!

I have three ideas for Halloween treats for you. One is a little “iffy,” one is easy and the other…you’ll get on Video Friday this week.

First the “iffy” one. With Halloween coming up, I’ve been toying with how to make baked apple mummies. My idea is simple: scoop out the core of small baking apples, stuff with a raisin mixture, then wrap with puff pastry dough strips for the bandages, stick in cloves for the eyes, and bake. Seemed easy enough….

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Easy Holiday Tips from the Georgia Governor’s Mansion

Holly Chute was expecting 1,000 people for cookies and cider last night. And with more guests over the next two weeks, she will be baking 20,000 this holiday season.

Holly is the Executive Chef of Georgia’s Governor Nathan Deal. And Sunday was the tree lighting ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion, with cookies and hot and cold cider for all. Whether it’s for a large public function as this or an official state dinner, Holly knows a thing or two about entertaining.

She has cooked for royalty including Prince Philip and Princess Anne of the United Kingdom, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Prince Hassan of Jordan; Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton; many governors; and entertainers like musician Joe Cocker and comedian Jeff Foxworthy.

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Fresh Nectarine Galettes

By Allison Kociuruba

Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, we have quite a few houseguests. And by quite a few, I actually mean a LOT. It’s the blessing (and curse) of living in a popular travel destination.

Truthfully, I love it. We live far away from family and most friends so I relish in entertaining familiar faces and sharing the hidden gems of the Northern California coast.

Because we often eat out with guests, I don’t get to cook as much as I’d like, so I try to surprise everyone with baked treats when they wake up. I’ve done the yeast-risen cinnamon bun thing but setting the alarm to wake up over an hour before everyone else was not much fun, so my latest trick is these fresh fruit galettes.

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